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Centre of Hope strives for a world of equality, where emotional, mental and learning differences are valued equally; where the inherent autonomy and dignity of each person is fully respected and where human rights are realised for all people without discrimination.


We are a non-governmental human rights organisations that uses legal strategies to promote, protect and defend the human rights of people with mental disabilities worldwide.

  • We act on the instructions of people with mental disabilities.

  • We contribute to the broader disability rights movement by offering our legal expertise.


Our organization provides care, housing and education to mentally and physically handicapped children and young adults. Our passion and compassion translates to a facility where these young people can feel safe and loved. The children are permanent residents of the centre and require full-time care, as provided by our resident care givers.

Our centre is working towards creating a sustainable environment by growing our own vegetables, fruits and herbs, that we not only use for our own needs, but also sell to the community to supplement our income.

We believe in a sustainable future for the children and young adults that we care for, providing hope for them and their families.

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Stand no 866 Hospital view Mahwelereng 0626


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